Sport Relief Colour Run

Posted: 1st January 1970

One week before the temporary closure of the school, Burgess Hill Girls PE Department hosted a Colour Run on Friday 13th March to raise money for Sport Relief.


The girls completed a 3km run around the school grounds to music and enjoyed being showered in paint. The paint stations placed around the school were each of the four house colours; red, green, blue and red. The paint was thrown by willing sixth formers, teachers and staff.


Years 7,8,9 and 10 took part in the run itself and had great fun immersing themselves in the colours. Those throwing the paints and a few extra teachers left covered too!


We raised a grand total of £1200 and it brought a little cheer, colour and brightened spirits in difficult times. What a way to say goodbye. We are looking forward to all the fun and memories that will be made when we are all back together again.

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