Senior School Admissions

Year 7 – 11 Entry

Prospective families are invited to visit our Senior School during Open Events at Burgess Hill Girls. However, appointments to visit may also be arranged on an individual basis.

If, following your visit, you wish to register an application you will need to complete a Registration Form. You will also be required to arrange payment of the £150 registration fee. Once received we would then arrange for your daughter to join us for a taster day and/or invite her to join us for entrance testing.

The scholarship assessment process for September 2024 has now concluded, but we are still able to consider applications for a place. If you are looking for a place for September 2024 please contact our admissions team who can guide you through the application process.

Entrance Exams

The entrance exam and scholarship assessment process for Year 7 or 9 entry takes place every January, for entry in the following academic year.

The entrance exams for Senior School consist of an English paper, maths paper and online cognitive ability test. We aim to make the entrance examination process as relaxed and enjoyable as possible. The main purpose is to establish the standard the students have reached at their current schools so that we can be confident that the education we provide will build on their current strengths and meet their educational needs.

Please note that all current Burgess Hill Girls Prep School students wishing to continue into the Senior School have a guaranteed place in Year 7. However, they will still be required to attend the entrance exam assessment day, and complete an online cognitive ability test. This test demonstrates a student’s progress through their time at the school and also allows the school to place students in sets going into Senior School. Current students do not need to register for a place for Senior School.

Entrance testing for Year 8 entry will be arranged on an individual basis. Entry into Year 10 or Year 11 is a more unusual transition point, so if you are looking for a place in either of these year groups then please contact our admissions team who can then provide further information about entrance testing.

Mid Year Places

It is also possible for us to admit students at any point during the academic year, if there are places available. In this instance we would arrange entrance testing on an individual basis, please get in touch for further information.

Contact Us

Please email the admissions team or call 01444 241050 for further information, or to arrange a visit.


Welcome to Burgess Hill Girls, an outstanding independent school in Sussex.

Book a place to our Open Fortnight from 16th – 27th September 2024.

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