Cheerleading Workshop

Posted: 7th February 2017

On Saturday 4th February our new Gap girls in the Boarding House, Alana and Amy, ran a fantastic Cheerleading Workshop for the younger girls. They demonstrated some of the most popular moves which will, I am sure,, come in handy at future House Events!

Later in the afternoon the whole boarding community went to the Thai restaurant in Burgess Hill, called the “Lemon Grass”, for a belated Chinese New Year celebration. This is the year the year of the Fire Rooster; those born in this year should be good at being punctual, trustworthy and conscientious with money. Why not check to see if this is your year!

Everyone enjoyed being together, chatting and eating.  It was great that it was only a short walk back to the Boarding Houses where we spent the rest of the evening chilling out.

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