A visit from the Samaritans

Posted: 9th February 2017

On Tuesday 31st January, Year Six were pleased to welcome a member of the Samaritans to come and talk to them about listening. This session was to support their involvement with younger girls as well as to help them with their own friendships. John presented a brilliant, interactive session which really got the girls thinking about HOW WELL they really listen and what skills they can use to improve the quality of their listening.

During the session the girls enjoyed games such as Chinese whispers and double reading which show how difficult it is to really hear a message with other things going on around you.  The girls also participated in an activity where they heard instructions quickly and then again where they could hear them at a slower pace and ask questions as they went. This demonstrated the need to take time and HEAR what is important but also that it is ok to check if you are unsure what the message was.

The girls then used these skills in a series of role play situations to help them to think about how they would cope in real life and when to ask an adult for support.

At the end of the session the girls had the chance to ask questions about what the Samaritans do and how they help people all around the country. The girls were extremely interested and participated fantastically. As a result of their wonderful behaviour I received this email from John.

Please pass on my thanks to your great class for what was a very enjoyable afternoon.

They were very friendly and welcoming when I first arrived (always daunting) and participated in absolutely the right way throughout.

They seemed to judge perfectly when to laugh and enjoy an activity but were also able to focus on the points being made.

What was particularly pleasing was the quality and perception behind the questions they asked about Samaritans and the way they listened to the answers.

They were certainly a credit to you as their teacher and great ambassadors for the school generally.

Thank you once again and tell your class they are wonderful!

This email sums up the attitude that is shown around Burgess Hill Girls and makes me so proud as a teacher.



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