Fishbourne Roman Palace

Posted: 27th March 2017

On Thursday 23rd March 2017, Year 9 braved a potentially rainy day and set off to Fishbourne Roman Palace. It turned out to be a sunny day in every sense. The girls explored the palace, admiring the mosaics, learning about medicinal herbs and discovering the nasty truth behind Roman eyeliner (squashed flies!). After a short film, girls unleashed their inner archaeologist with a handling workshop.

“I can’t believe we are really handling objects that are two thousand years old”, said Julia (9C). Her fascination was echoed around the room as girls put their thumbs in the marks left in the clay by  a Roman potter, puzzled over strange artefacts and even discovered a rare piece of Samian ware showing the story of Perseus. Then, it was off to Chichester for a quick peek in the Novium, a bit of dancing to the buskers’ tunes, a viewing of the Cogidubnus/ Togidubnus dedication plaque and finally a spot of shopping.

As ever, Year 9 proved themselves to be excellent ambassadors of the school- positive, cheerful, engaged, eager to learn and impeccably polite.




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