On 1st June we were delighted to welcome back pupils in the Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.
As you would expect we have made significant changes to routines and classroom arrangements to adhere to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.
Please contact us for detailed information but here follows a brief summary of the changes.
- Different drop-off locations for each Nursery class
- Only children allowed into the school
- Suntan lotion to be applied before entry
- Children to bring in own water bottles
- Children to wear comfortable home clothes and shoes suitable for all types of activities
- No toys or books to be brought into the school
- Drop off at 8.30am, pick-up at 4pm
We were very fortunate to have lovely weather and the children were delighted to be back.
We would love to welcome back other classes soon too but unfortunately it is not possible yet under Government guidelines.
However we hope by sharing this news it will give you hope that it won’t be long until we see you all again.
Keep strong!
Liz Laybourn