We touched upon the celebration of St David’s day on the 1st March and one of our activities was to draw daffodils.
We all too often ask children to draw from memory alone – like when we ask children to draw a picture of their family or their house, so, at Burgess Hill Nursery we explore the benefits of still life drawing.
This is a different kind of experience that we believe brings additional value to their drawing experience. It challenges their understanding and ability to look at the finer details of everyday objects in their environment.
By doing still life drawing we are aiming for our children to be able to slow down and notice the small details of life.
- Slowing down, taking our time
- Learning to really see
- Noticing details
- Becoming comfortable with mistakes
- Becoming confident in attempting something new
We always give lots of encouraging positive feedback: “I like the way you are drawing so carefully.” “You have really put a lot of detail into your drawing!” “wow, I didn’t even notice those little lines.”… making this a really enjoyable experience.