Back in March and April 2017, the Junior School STEM club took part in a competition run by Technicians Make it Happen (TMiH) and the British Science Association as part of British Science week to celebrate the work that technicians do in their #techniciansmakeithappen campaign.
The aim of the competition was to help increase awareness of the range of roles and industries that technicians work in, and raise the profile of technical careers amongst educators and students. To enter the competition the challenge was to create, photograph and share a representation of a technician at work.
Excitingly, Octavia and Charlotte (Year 4) have been shortlisted for their ‘Bomb disposal technician’ photo and Sofia (also Year 4) has been shortlisted for her ‘Bike technician’ photo, both in the category of most interesting technician job.
As a result they have been invited to attend the awards ceremony at Thorpe Park in July. Good luck girls and we look forward to the results.