Founders’ Day 2017

Posted: 21st July 2017

And so the 2016-2017 year came to a close with an excellent Founders’ Day. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Please read on for a summary of the day and prize-winners. To see all images please visit our Facebook page.

Junior School


Heather Cavanagh Liz Laybourn Burgess Hill Girls


Head of Junior School, Heather Cavanagh welcomed everyone to the inaugural Junior School Founders’ Day Celebration. She highlighted that we seek to celebrate the personal achievement of every pupil and that the awards represent just a small proportion of the achievements over the year. All the girls are to be congratulated on their incredible work ethic this year.


Burgess Hill Girls Junior Orchestra


Following an uplifting performance of Kingston Calypso by the orchestra it was time for awards. The recipients were:

Endeavour Award – Reception – Charlotte M
Endeavour Award – Year 1 – Georgia C
Endeavour Award – Year 2 – Sasha R
Endeavour Award – Year 3 – Apurwaa S
Endeavour Award – Year 4 KW – Minnie L
Endeavour Award – Year 4 BM – Mia O
Endeavour Award – Year 5 SC – Louise E
Endeavour Award – Year 5 D – Sheona G
Endeavour Award – Year 6 – Francesca S
The Mathematics Award – Clara M
The Duncan Award for Creative Writing – Amelia M
The Clapp Award for the Top Sports Women – Elsie B
The Lay Award for progress in PE – Mae S
The Earp Award for Contribution to Music – Suzannah C
The Lyons Awards for progress in Music (KS2) – Amelie K
The Thomas Award for progress in Music – Daisy H
The Perry Awards for Drama – Jessica E
The Moiser Award for Art – Amelie N
The Woods Award for Good Citizenship (KS2) – Lola M
The Cloke Award for Good Citizenship (KS1) – Sophia J


Prize Winners Burgess Hill Girls Junior


After the prize giving, there was an address by Head of School, Liz Laybourn. Mrs Laybourn shared tips from Penguins and Year 6 Girls including; ”be yourself, join the choir, try your hardest, get involved”, but most importantly, the former suggesting ”when you leave, when you’re big and old, you’ll get a treasure chest with golden money”. She also talked about the importance of the school motto, ”I am, I can, I ought, I will” and recounted a recent experience when a young lady from Shanghai shared her own thoughts on the motto. Finally she talked about her thoughts on success.

  • Success is about valuing your daughter for who she is as an individual and not always for what she achieves.
  • Success is recognising all those fantastic qualities that are not materialistic or target driven.
  • Success is helping your daughters to recover when they just don’t quite make it.
  • Success is getting you to step back from what they are trying to show you they have achieved but giving them a hug and loving them for who they are.
  • Success is helping them to recognise success, nurturing it and help them to be successful in whatever they wish to do.
  • Success is inspiring a love of learning, happiness and lifelong friendships.

Following the Head’s speech the choir performed ‘This Old Man’ and we finally all sang ‘Here I am Lord’. Then it was time for a drinks reception in The Rose Garden followed by family picnics.


Family Picnics Burgess Hill Girls Founders Day

Senior School

The Head Liz Laybourn, Chair of Governors, Dr Alison Smith, Guest Speaker Lynsey Hipgrave and the 2017 Upper Sixth arrived to music from The Masters, performed by our very own girls brass ensemble Precious Metalz.


Precious Metalz Burgess Hill Girls


Dr Alison Smith gave a short welcome speech followed by a rousing rendition of Jerusalem and the presentation of awards. For a full list of award winners please see the end of this post.



After a glorious performance of ‘Somewhere’ by the Chamber Choir, TV presenter Lynsey Hipgrave inspired us all with tales of her career since leaving school at 18. She also gave the girls some very powerful advice on how to succeed in their careers; ”it’s the little steps along the way that really count, sideways steps, and even steps that might seem backwards, can be really positive”.


Lynsey Hipgrave at Burgess Hill Girls


Then there was an exquisite Flute and Violin trio performed by Ella B, Amy L and Alice B followed by a Vote of Thanks from retiring Head Girl Vicky H.


Girls singing at Burgess Hill Girls


The day ended with two songs. Firstly the school hymn and finally, a new tradition, a song chosen by the Upper Sixth for the whole school to sing. This year it was ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’. We’re sure nothing will stop you Upper Sixth!


For lots more images please visit our Facebook page. If you would like a digital copy of any images, please email (Junior) or (Senior) with details of the image you would like. We anticipate quite a lot of enquiries so please bear with us.


Senior Award Winners


Year 7:


Half Art Colours – Scarlett G
Half Art Colours – Meghana D
Half Art Colours – Isobel B
Half Art Colours – Olivia J
Half Art Colours – Susanna C
Half Art Colours – Emma B
Half Art Colours – Phoebe M
Half Art Colours – Alice P
Half Art Colours – Hannah D
Half Art Colours – Emily B
Half Art Colours – Tara T
Full Art Colours – Georgina W
Full Art Colours – Lydia M
Full Art Colours – Cherie T
Full Art Colours – Liberty C
Full Art Colours – Lara N
Full Art Colours – Caitlin S
Drama Colours – Katie A
Drama Colours – Alejandra F
Drama Colours – Ananya S
Drama Colours – Liberty C
Drama Colours – Lara N
Drama Colours – Phoebe M
Drama Colours – Alice P
Drama Colours – Caitlin S
Drama Colours – Hannah D
Drama Colours – Alice G
Drama Colours – Emily H
Drama Colours – Isabella G
Academic Achievement – Alice G
Academic Achievement – Emily H
Personal Progress – Emily B
Personal Progress – Tara T
Brimfield Library Prefect – Ashley G
Winnie the Pooh Award – for a member of the lower school who has shown friendship and kindness to her peer group – Isabella G


Year 8:


Half Art Colours – Charlotte F
Half Art Colours – Tricia F
Half Art Colours – Madison N
Half Art Colours – Trista L
Half Art Colours – Jodie S
Half Art Colours – Kate B
Full Art Colours – Abigail F
Drama Colours – Maria F
Drama Colours – Florence S
Drama Colours – Trista L
Drama Colours – Jodie S
Drama Colours – Abigail F
Drama Colours – Rosie B
Drama Colours – Rosa G
Music Colours – Verity C
Music Colours – Jessica G
Music Colours – Ophelia H
Music Colours – Mathilde M
Music Colours – Lauren E
Music Colours – Bethany B
Academic Achievement – Holly C
Academic Achievement – Rosie B
Academic Achievement – Bethany B
Personal Progress – Lauren E
Personal Progress – Kate B
Personal Progress – Rosa G
Gold Certificate and Best in School Award for the UK Junior Maths Challenge, qualification for the Junior Kangaroo Paper and a Qualification Certificate – Bethany B


Year 9:


Half Art Colours – Ada T
Half Art Colours – Kate Q
Half Art Colours – Imogen W
Half Art Colours – Helin A
Half Art Colours – Emilia S
Half Art Colours – Julia H
Half Art Colours – Laura P
Half Art Colours – Charlotte H
Full Art Colours – Harriet P
Drama Colours – Evie H
Drama Colours – Luella M
Drama Colours – Saridja S
Drama Colours – Georgina W
Drama Colours – Lucy W
Drama Colours – Rachel C
Drama Colours – Elana C
Drama Colours – Helin A
Drama Colours – Francesca G
Drama Colours – Sophie E
Drama Colours – Annabel H
Drama Colours – Laura P
Drama Colours – Isobel C
Drama Colours – Anna B
Drama Colours – Charlotte H
Music Colours – Leah C
Music Colours – Jessica E
Music Colours – Lucy L
Music Colours – Hannah L
Music Colours – Rachel C
Music Colours – Elana C
Music Colours – Francesca G
Music Colours – Sophie E
Music Colours – Alyshia B
Music Colours – Laura P
Music Colours – Isobel C
Music Colours – Anna B
Music Colours – Charlotte H
Academic Achievement – Annabel H
Academic Achievement – Julia H
Academic Achievement – Isobel C
Personal Progress – Peanut M
Personal Progress – Ruth B
Personal Progress – Emilia S
The Brimfield LRC Award – for an enthusiastic reader and user of the LRC – Harriet P
Ida Erp Junior Musician of the Year – Alyshia B
The Varley Science Prize – Isobel C
The Meier Cup for Languages – for outstanding potential and performance – Anna B
The Morley Rising Star Award – for outstanding potential in Drama – Charlotte H


Year 10:


Half Art Colours – Maia M
Half Art Colours – Sorrel P-Y
Half Art Colours – Cathy T
Half Art Colours – Annabel J
Half Art Colours – Mia F
Half Art Colours – Madeleine S
Half Art Colours – Francesca A
Half Art Colours – Rosie R
Half Art Colours – Anna K
Half Art Colours – Lucy C
Full Art Colours – Madeleine B
Full Art Colours – Esme G
Full Art Colours – Olivia P
Full Art Colours – Selina W
Drama Colours – Sophie B
Drama Colours – Abigail F
Drama Colours – Amy G
Drama Colours – Jasmine G
Drama Colours – Charlotte H
Drama Colours – Francesca A
Drama Colours – Rosie R
Drama Colours – Olivia P
Drama Colours – Mia A
Drama Colours – Emma N
Drama Colours – Anna K
Drama Colours – Freya B
Drama Colours – Lucy C
Music Colours – Simran R
Music Colours – Mia A
Music Colours – Emma N
Music Colours – Isabelle F
Music Colours – Nancy R-W
Music Colours – Sofia C-C
Music Colours – Anna K
Music Colours – Freya B
Music Colours – Lucy C
Academic Achievement – Cici S
Academic Achievement – Selina W
Academic Achievement – Isabelle F
Academic Achievement – Freya B
Personal Progress – Olivia G
Personal Progress – Nancy R-W
Personal Progress – Lucy C
The Williams Leadership Award – Sofia C-C


Year 11:


Half Art Colours – Elvie B
Full Art Colours – Nadia B
Full Art Colours – Sukey L
Full Art Colours – Grace R
Drama Colours – Beatrice B
Drama Colours – Mollie I-D
Drama Colours – Amy N
Drama Colours – Emma L
Dedication to Art – Grace R
Dedication to Biology – Georgina G
Dedication to Business Studies – Jacqueline C
Dedication to Chemistry – Amy L
Dedication to Computer Science – Violet G
Dedication to Coordinated Science – Sophie R
Dedication to Design and Technology – Georgina G
Dedication to Drama – Cara E
Dedication to English – Jasmine S
Dedication to English Literature – Niamh L
Dedication to French – Emma L
Dedication to Further Mathematics – Amy L
Dedication to Geography – Susannah C
Dedication to German – Lucy P
Dedication to History – Niamh L
Dedication to Latin – Amy L
Dedication to Mathematics – Jasmine S
Dedication to Music – Isabel W
Dedication to Physical Education – Sophie R
Dedication to Physics – Iris S
Dedication to Religious Studies – Emma L
Dedication to Spanish – Amy L
Dedication to Textiles – Isabel W
Level 2 Project – Emma L
Level 2 Project – Amy L
Level 2 Project – Adeoriite A
Winner of the Argus, Youth in Action, Musical Achievement of the Year Award – Amy L
The Tapsfield Award – for Contribution to Mathematics – Niamh L
The Lisa Walker Cup – for Personal Achievement in Year 11 – Susannah C
Vox Germanica – for Excellence in Spoken German – Stefani H
The Nam Award – for Significant Contribution to the Vibrant Ethos of the School – Romy M


Lower Sixth:


Half Art Colours – Michelle Z
Half Art Colours – Prudence C
Half Art Colours – Allegra C
Full Art Colours – Doris C
Full Art Colours – Ella F
Full Art Colours – Ceri-Lee H
The Allen Cup – for Speech and Drama – Elizabeth G
The Wattenbach Award – for the Magazine Editor – Tatra B-M
South of England Show Prizes – 1st and 3rd in Textiles and a Silver Award – Allegra C


Upper Sixth:


Dedication to Art – Tanith D
Dedication to Biology – Rebecca K
Dedication to Chemistry – Alice B
Dedication to Design and Technology – Elizabeth B
Dedication to Economics – Tamisa L
Dedication to English – Zahrah C
Dedication to French – Olivia D
Dedication to Further Mathematics – Rachel C
Dedication to Geography – Alice R
Dedication to History – Harriet R
Dedication to Mathematics – Anthea Y
Dedication to Music – Ella B
Dedication to Physical Education – Olivia H
Dedication to Physics – Erin B
Dedication to Psychology – Sophie S
Dedication to Religious Studies – Ariel W
Dedication to Textiles – Sophie M-H
Dedication to Theatre Studies – Harriet R
The Governors’ Award – for a member of the Upper 6th who has shown considerable academic progress – Rebecca K
The Coupe Molière – for achievement in Sixth Form spoken French – Tammy C
The Ida Erp Cup Senior Musician of the Year – Ella B
The Nicola Bell Cup – Ella B
The Old Girls’ Award – Julie C
The Richards Science Cup – for excellence in Mathematics and Science – Emma C
The Senior Victor Ludorum – for outstanding contribution to PE – Olivia H
The Amy Clarke Enterprise Award – Crystal S
Akindolie Prize – for a Boarder’s contribution to the School Community – Valerie C
The Avery Award – for the most promising actress – Lucy B
The Barbara Webb Cup – Chorister of the Year – Olivia D
The Beatrice Goode Award – for the retiring Head Girl – Victoria H
The Doreen Harford Award – for the retiring Head of Boarders – Valerie C
The Fiona Green Cup – for performing arts and technical theatre – Julie C
The Frances Phillips Award – for good citizenship – Molly L
The Hamlet Music Award – for service to school music – Alice B
The Helen Bell Art Plate – for excellence in visual art – Charlotte V
The Kelly Rose Bowl – for service to the school community – Alice B
The Mary Gillies Award – for retiring Deputy Head Girls – Harriet R and Ariel W


Exceptional A Level Results for Burgess Hill Girls

Proud to share our amazing A level and GCSE results.

Still time to apply for Senior School & Sixth Form this September!

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