Our Community

Home-from-home Boarding

Our school is pleased to welcome girls into a full boarding community environment from age 11 (Year 7) and can accommodate up to 52 students from all over the world and other regions of the UK (52 full-time boarding places and 2 occasional boarding places).

If you choose to send your daughter to our school as a boarder, she will live in one of two very attractive boarding houses each with its own modern facilities. There are light and spacious common rooms, good computer facilities, a games room, and kitchens for making snacks. The gardens are used for summer barbecues and relaxation. The houses are run as informally as possible, creating the atmosphere of a happy family home. Safety, happiness and security are of paramount importance.

Younger boarders share in rooms of 3 to 4, and where possible, Upper Sixth students have their own bedroom.



Good communication between the boarding houses and school is seen as an important element, enabling boarders to achieve their full academic potential. The house staff team attend pastoral meetings and will be kept informed of your daughter’s academic progress by her tutor and the Head of Lower School, Head of Upper School or Head of Sixth Form.

The boarding experience is of great benefit, teaching as it does important skills such as taking personal responsibility and living in harmony with others – invaluable skills to learn before going to university. There is a strong sense of community where loyal and caring friendships lend support and encouragement to every individual.


Three hot meals are provided during the day and snacks are provided in the boarding houses. Main meals are taken together in the dining hall where wholesome, carefully prepared meals ensure balanced diets and special dietary needs are catered for by our experienced team. There is a choice of hot meals, including vegetarian option, and a salad bar, plus fresh fruit is always available.

The school hosts a number of themed days to allow boarders to experience food from different countries.


Homework for girls in Years 7-11 is supervised each evening in the Learning Resource Centre in the Senior School. In this way the girls quickly establish good study habits as well as having access to the networked computers in Webb House and other resources such as books, DVDs and tapes.

Sixth Form are encouraged to take more responsibility and control for their own learning, and complete prep in-house, where a member of house staff will be on duty.