Bold Girl Mentors

Posted: 30th September 2019

Our mission at Burgess Hill Girls is to help our students develop all the skills they need to become Tomorrow’s Women. Our alumnae, called Bold Girls, play a vital part of the educational programme we provide. After all, who better to advise Tomorrow’s Women than Today’s Women? Bold girls are regular visitors to the school, often speaking at Open Days and dedicated careers and life skills events. We are also very fortunate to have seven Bold Girls on our staff!

Bold Girl Mentor Funke Abimbola
Bold Girl Funke Abimbola at a Burgess Hill Girls Open Day

Such is the importance of our Bold Girls, that we have named our new Sixth Form personal development programme the BOLD programme. This unique programme aims to provide pupils with all the social, interpersonal and leadership skills they will need to excel in every capacity in their future.

The next stage of Bold Girl involvement with Burgess Hill Girls is to offer Bold Girl mentors for every Sixth former. Bold Girl mentors will be available to help guide Sixth formers through the final stages of their school life, passing on study and life tips but also helping them make decisions for the future. In return we hope Bold Girls will enjoy the chance to revisit their school years and play an important role in helping the next generation become the best they can be.

We have already signed up quite a few Bold Girl Mentors but are looking for more. If you are a Bold Girl and are interested please email me at

Many thanks to all of you for keeping in touch and continuing to be involved in our special community, we can’t express enough how much it is appreciated and valued!

Liz Laybourn
Head Burgess Hill Girls