When pupils leave Burgess Hill Girls our aim is that they have all the self-belief, determination, and life skills they need to follow and achieve their dreams, whatever they may be.
They don’t become Old Girls. They become Bold Girls.
Burgess Hill Girls has a formidable history of developing women who have gone on to make their mark on the world. From the Willoughby sisters, Kelly and Holly, Neuroscientist Professor Francesca Happé to Diversity Champion and Lawyer Funke Abimbola MBE. We are also very fortunate to have six inspirational Bold Girls amongst our staff, Head of Drama Emma Cassim, Prep school teacher Greer Williams, Admissions assistant Chloe Shilton, Lead Nursery Practitioners Ellie Catford and Sophie Noakes, and our school nurse, Liz Hall.
These and many other Bold Girls make regular visits back to Burgess Hill Girls, sharing their life stories and encouraging pupils to set their sights high. One of our most recent visitors was recording artist Lily Williams. Watch the video below to learn about her story. You can also read news of other Bold Girls here.
Calling all bold girls
If you are a Bold Girl or former member of staff we would love to hear from you and keep you up to date with our news and invite you to Bold Girl events. Please email natasha.mcgrory@burgesshillgirls.com to be put on our database. You can also join the Bold Girls Facebook Group.