Stunning GCSE Results

Posted: 23rd August 2018


We are celebrating a stunning set of GCSE results with over half (51%) of all entries graded 9/8 or A* and a massive 75% of all entries graded 9-7 (old grades A*/A), an 11% increase on last year. 62% of the cohort gained at least seven or more grades 9-7 (old grades A*/A). Amid concerns over the marking and grading of the new, harder GCSEs, the class of 2018 have confirmed that we continue to perform at the highest level.

The 100% Grades 9/8 (old grade A*) in Computer Science challenge the widely-held perception that the subject is ‘too hard’ and is more popular with boys than girls. In an all-girls environment subjects are free from gender stereotyping. Computer Science is an increasingly popular subject here. Across all STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) 79% of all entries were graded 9-7 (old grades A*/A), a 9% increase on last year.


GCSE Results 2018 Burgess Hill Girls


Our girls achieved highly across a wide range of subjects. 92% of entries in creative subjects were graded 9-7 (old grades A*/A) and in the new tougher English Language GCSE assessed solely by examination 71% gained grades 9-7. Burgess Hill Girls achieve on average one GCSE grade higher than their baseline indicator demonstrating the value the school adds to each individual pupil.

Star student Selina Wang gained 9 Grade 9s, a further A* and a Distinction in Level 2 Further Mathematics. A study published by Cambridge Assessment in May predicted that only 200 so-called ‘star pupils’ in the country would get straight Grade 9s. Congratulations Selina for this fine achievement.

A further 12 girls gained 100% Grades 9-7, A*/A: Mia Arditi, Sophie Binns, Freya Burleigh, Hannah Dunsby, Isabelle Flower, Amy Gallehawk, Olivia Gunn, Olivia Player, Charlotte Hinton, Niamh McNeill, Emma Naunton, Cathy Tong and Rose Wainner.


GCSE Results 2018 Burgess Hill Girls 7 - 9


Mrs Laybourn said she was delighted with all the girls’ results: “We believe in challenging each individual to be ambitious and achieve the highest grades of which they are capable. Teachers work hard, going above and beyond, to ensure that girls meet these high standards and reach their full potential. Yet again, this year’s results prove that the Burgess Hill Girls experience adds significant value to each and every girl. Not only have they achieved superb grades across a wide range of subjects, the girls have also taken full advantage of the amazing opportunities that the school provides on the sporting, creative and enterprise fronts.”



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